Solo Traveling: A Guide for Women of Color

Picture of a woman taking a picture with a cameraI began solo traveling unintentionally.  When planning group trips with my friends, I was often flying from a different city than the rest of the group.  Due to ticketing prices and schedules I would often arrive before everyone else or would leave after everyone had left.  This was just what I needed to gain the confidence to explore the world on my own terms.  I have now traveled to dozens of countries completely on my own! In this post, we’ll explore why solo traveling for women of color is important, we’ll also provide essential tips to guide you through your solo adventures with confidence.

Have you been part of those group chats with aspirational trip discussions that end up in canceled plans or in 2 out of your 10 friends actually making the trip?  If so, solo traveling may be your answer!  Solo traveling refers to the practice of exploring new destinations and cultures on your own, without the company of friends or family.  After realizing that traveling was something I could do completely on my own I felt liberated.  I no longer had to wait for friends to have time or money to travel, I got to pick the places I wanted to visit, and schedule only the activities that I wanted to do.  After my first solo trip, I was immediately hooked and solo traveling remains one of my favorite ways to reset and recenter.

Why is solo traveling important?

Solo traveling is challenging and freeing.  Traveling in general makes you question your norms and beliefs, but traveling solo pushes this self-reflection even further.  Solo traveling fosters independence and self-reliance.  I find it fascinating that my direction skills are on point when I am traveling solo while my sense of direction in my everyday life is questionable at best.  I’ve also noticed that when traveling alone I am more likely to talk to strangers or spend longer than necessary learning about the most random topics for the simple fact that I can.

Solo traveling has also given me confidence to go and do whatever I want.  This form of travel allows women to break free from societal expectations and challenge stereotypes and preconceptions.  And as an added bonus I have made many friends with other solo travelers from around the world.

Are You Ready?

Now, let’s delve into the steps to embark on a successful solo travel journey.  The below tips will provide you with actionable advice and insights to make your adventure memorable and safe.

How to Solo Travel:

  • Choose Your Destination Wisely

Selecting the right destination is crucial for a solo female traveler.  Research potential locations thoroughly, considering factors such as safety, language, culture, and personal interests.  Opt for destinations known for their solo traveler-friendly atmosphere, such as Iceland, Japan, or New Zealand.

  • Plan Your Itinerary

Once you’ve chosen your destination, plan your itinerary with care.  Create a detailed schedule that includes accommodations, transportation, and activities.  Share your itinerary with a trusted friend or family member, so they know your whereabouts in case of an emergency.  My favorite resources to help me plan an itinerary are AI chatboxes like ChatGPT as well as Airbnb Experiences.  ChatGPT can help you plan must do/see activities, can research the weather of your destination, and can even advise you on the best places to stay and eat.  Airbnb Experiences are also great for solo travelers.  Whether you want someone to take your pictures, take a cooking class, or even go out for drinks with other solo travelers: airbnb is a great place to start. 

  • Pack Smart

Having had to drag over-packed-suitcases through trains, airports, bustling cities, and even dirt roads, I cannot stress enough that packing efficiently will make your life easier.  Only bring the essentials!  Remember to pack appropriate clothing for the destination’s climate, and don’t forget important documents like your passport, travel insurance, and a photocopy of your itinerary.

  • Stay Informed About Local Customs

Understanding and respecting local customs and traditions is vital.  Research the culture, etiquette, and dress code of your destination to ensure you blend in and show respect to the local population.  This will also make your trip so much more interesting as you’ll know the significance of monuments or events you’ll come across.  Understanding local customs will also make it easier to converse with locals and build friendships.  Most importantly, understanding local customs will ensure you have a safe trip as you’ll know places to avoid and how to get from place to place. 

  • Stay Connected

Maintaining communication is key to your safety.  Invest in a reliable international SIM card or portable Wi-Fi device to stay connected with loved ones and access maps and travel apps.  GoogleFi is my favorite and it is super easy to set up.  Share your location and contact details and daily plans with a trusted person back home.

  • Trust Your Instincts and Remain Flexible

Your intuition is a powerful tool.  If a situation doesn’t feel right, trust your instincts and remove yourself from it.  Avoid risky areas and people who make you uncomfortable. 

Prioritize your safety above all else. 

It is also important to remain flexible.  None of my trips, solo or otherwise, have gone exactly as planned.  Don’t let this disrupt your trip, be willing pivot from your itinerary if you feel uncomfortable or if an amazing opportunity arises.  

  • Stay in Safe Accommodations

Choose accommodations with a reputation for safety, cleanliness, and female-friendly services.  Consider staying in female-only dorms in hostels or boutique hotels that cater to solo female travelers.  I have also enjoyed staying at Airbnbs, just make sure to always check the reviews! 

  • Socialize Safely

Meeting new people is one of the joys of solo travel.  However, exercise caution when socializing.  Meet others in public spaces, let someone back home know your plans, and avoid disclosing personal information or that you’re traveling solo to strangers.  When asked if I am traveling alone I respond with something along the lines of:  “my friends arrive later this evening,” or “my group is back at the hotel.”  

  • Local Currency

Familiarize yourself with the local currency and exchange rates.  Carry some local currency for small expenses, and notify your bank of your travel plans to avoid card issues.  Planning in advance can also save you money.  Order currency for whatever country you are traveling to from your bank.  This will give you the best deals on conversion rates.  I also like to carry multiple credit cards and always leave one in my suitcase or hotel just in case I lose my purse (or it gets stolen).  If this were to happen I can quickly freeze the lost card on my phone and rely on my backup cards.

  • Stay Informed About Local Laws

Research the laws and regulations of your destination to avoid unintentional legal issues.  It is also vital that you have printouts and electronic versions of your passport, IDs, and visas.  If you lose any of your documentation, having access to copies of these records will make your life so much easier.  Never carry your passport with you when exploring a new place.  It is always best to leave this in your suitcase or the safety box at the hotel.

The World Awaits You

Woman walking away carrying a book bag and wearing a hat

Embarking on a solo travel adventure as a woman is a testament to your strength and independence.  It’s an opportunity to create lasting memories, meet incredible people, and discover the world on your own terms.  By following these guidelines, you can ensure a safe and fulfilling solo travel experience that leaves you empowered and inspired.

If you’re ready to take the leap into solo travel, start planning your adventure today.  Check out our travel resources for women on our website, where you’ll find destination guides, packing tips, and more to help you embark on your journey with confidence.  Remember, the world is your oyster, and solo travel is your ticket to exploring it on your own terms.

Let us know if you have any questions about solo-traveling and make sure to follow us for more solo-traveling tips.

Bon voyage!

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